We Guarantee A Minimum of $20K/Month Increase In Revenue Or You Don't Pay!

Patient Launch Program™️

  • Differentiates your offers

  • Positions you as #1 option

  • Generates your leads

  • Calls your leads

  • Qualifies your leads

  • ​​​Schedules your leads

  • ​​​Ensures your leads show up

  • Improves staff accountability & performance

  • ​​​Helps scale your clinic to 7+ figures without headache

More Than 1,000 Clinics Across North America Have Trusted Us To Help Them Grow


Our AVERAGE clinic ads an additional $30,704/month in collections in the first 4 months!

58 clinics and counting have tripled their collections or more!

Fewer Headaches

We do the heavy lifting for you!

We generate the leads, we call the leads, we qualify the leads, we schedule the leads, we ensure the leads show up, we "warm" your leads with customized education!

More Results - Guaranteed

71 clinics and counting have reached 7 or multiple 7 figures!

If your clinic doesn't grow at least $20K/month, you don't pay!

We Have Unique Solutions For The Following Niches:

  • Chiropractic

  • Physical Therapy

  • Functional Medicine

  • Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression

  • Neuropathy

  • Hormone Replacement Therapy

  • Regenerative Medicine

  • Pain Management

  • Softwave

  • Erectile Dysfunction

  • Body Sculpting

  • Minimally Invasive Lipo

  • Red Light

  • Weight Loss

  • Skin/Beauty Makeovers

  • Lasers

  • ​Botox/Fillers

  • Clear Aligners/Braces

  • Cosmetic Dentistry

  • Acupuncture

  • Fertility

Doctors Everywhere Trust Brand Lab

Dr. Fritz

Select Health And Wellness

Chiropractic, Softwave, Redlight

Dr. Filipe Messias

Optimize Wellness Florida


Dr. Chris Zaino

Abundant Life Chiropractic & Renew Life Decompression Clinic

Chiropractic & Spinal Decompression

Dr. Rachel Hutchison

Hutchison Chiropractic


Dr. Sarah Calta

100% Chiropractic Rockaway


Dr. Curt Buss

Buss Chiropractic


It Takes More Than Ads To Scale A Clinic...We've discovered SIX "ROOT CAUSE" Challenges And We've Solved ALL OF THEM

Root Causes:

Undifferentiated Offers & Positioning (No Strategy)

Lead Flow (Bad Ad Creative or Offers)

Uninformed Patients (No Video Based Education)

Unqualified Patients (Money or Motivation)

Staff Accountability (No Dedicated Salesperson or Training)

Outdated Selling Methods (Patient Resistance)

Here's How We Scale Clinics

If it were as easy as turning on ads and booking appointments, every clinic would already be a 7 figure clinic! Yet...only 3% actually reach that level. If you have tried and gotten poor results, or results which only lasted a few months...you already know, in today's competitive landscape, it takes more than an agency.

Just like a good doctor, we examine your business and we discover what the true root cause of your struggles are. We don't just "prescribe" a one-size-fits-all cookie cutter solution...We help implement a DIFFERENTIATED A to Z Strategy for each clinic.

Unique Strategy

We walk you through a step by step system to ensure your market sees you as completely differentiated in your marketplace and help create offers, messaging, angles, and approaches to your market which are unique. You don't want to run ads without doing this first.

Educational & Rapport Video Sequence

Rather than assuming every patient will see you as the ultimate expert. We ENSURE they do. We create a customized video sequence with you and your team which indoctrinates every lead so each patient walks into your office KNOWING you are the best possible option for them.

Lead Generation On Multiple Platforms

No clinic should ever rely on only one lead gen source. Facebook, Google, Tiktok, Instagram, Youtube. We help you implement multiple so you aren't reliant on Facebook Ads. Our campaigns utilize cutting edge video ads & we are always testing to stay ahead of the game.

We Qualify & Schedule For You 

Phone handling and lead follow up is extremely important in getting a massive returns on your marketing budget. Our in-house team does ALL the qualifying, scheduling, follow up, and appointment reminders for your office. All you have to do is treat new patients and leave the rest to us!

More Proof...

Dr. Jet Jackson

100% Chiropractic Murfreesboro Tennessee


Dr. Ashley Todd

Performance Chiropractic & Physiotherapy

Physical Therapy & Chiropractic

Dr. Pedro

100% Chiropractic Tampa


Dr. Jamie

100% Chiropractic West Cobb


Dr. Connor Wolfe

The Wellness Way Sarasota

Functional Medicine

Leila Andersch

Growing Love Ultrasound

Women's Health

Dr. Christopher Pearsall

Chiropractic Spine & Injury

Regenerative Medicine and Decompression

Dr. Mike Raczkowski

Penn Wellness Group

Regenerative Medicine and Neuropathy

It Takes More Than Ads To Scale A Clinic...we generate patients from multiple methods...we qualify and book appointments and help you install systems to scale your clinic so you can reduce clinical hours!

More Proof...

Dr. Ben Smith

Smith Chiropractic


Dr. Nick Koinoglou

Family Health Physical Medicine

Regenerative Medicine & Chiropractic

Dr. Terri & Dr. Jim

100% Chiropractic Canton


Dr. Jason Watts

Watts Chiropractic

Functional Medicine, Softwave, & Chiropractic

Dr. Mark Jensen

Corrective Chiropractic Raleigh

Spinal Decompression & Chiropractic

Dr. Rochelle and Patrick Merchant

100% Chiropractic Castle Rock


Dr. Ben

Excel Chiropractic


Dr. Merick Abrajano

Southland Pain Relief

Spinal Decompression

Our Philosophy

Love Your Work

Loving your work is the theme we use to define ourselves. Along with our Core Tenets, our theme sets the tone for how we go about our day.

Loving your work isn't a trite platitude for us. We believe work gives a person purpose. It gives a reason to improve every single day. It gives us a clear pathway to make the world a better place.

We also recognize that real love isn't easy. Love is hard work. If we love something, we will work hard for it.

We wake up each day loving the fact that we can improve the world in 2 very specific ways:

1. Our clients help people get healthy. We get to hear stories every single day of patients who were addicted to pain medication were set free. Of people who couldn't walk with out a cain who are now going on bike rides. Without our work, these people don't get to be set free.

2. Our clients are small business owners. Small businesses are the lifeblood of a healthy economy. Studies have shown that successful small businesses have a greater impact on a community than anything else. Small businesses employee people. Small businesses spend money in the community. When a small business aims up, and succeeds, they make everyone around them better!

Core Tenets

Grow Or Die

In life, we are growing or we are dying. There is no such thing as maintaining. We insist on being better today than we were yesterday. We demand the best from ourselves. 

Importantly, growth only comes through attempting things we cannot yet do. Try fast, fail forward, grow & improve faster than the rest of the market. We stay ahead of the market because we are always working on what’s next and always improving what already is.

Fire Yourself, Be An Owner

Everyone’s actions produce outcomes. Own your actions and your outcomes. Hold yourself to a higher standard than anyone else ever could. Everyone is a leader. Even those who don’t know it. Everyone on the team exists to make the team better.


Nothing inhibits progress like lack of clarity. Frank & direct communication leads to excellence. We don’t sugarcoat information or feedback. We don’t hide from data.

The more a person can be exposed to and handle uncomfortable truthful conversations, the more that person will grow. By withholding or softening the truth, we withhold the ability for an individual to understand the truth and to grow.

Be The Change

BE means NOW. It implies speed. Implies conviction. It implies decisiveness. It implies NO PLAN B. It implies MASSIVE ACTION. 

Nothing changes without convicted, decisive action. It doesn’t mean perfect. Mistakes happen. However, nothing moves forward without forward action.

Being the change means mindsets have changed. It means skills get developed. It means character traits improve. You have to BE the thing before you get the benefits of being the thing.

Actions Are Greater Than Intentions

We all intend on doing well. We all intend on doing good. However, few actually do well. Most merely do OKAY….good enough. 

The difference is actions. Action is BORING. Dreaming, intending, thinking, planning…these things are easy. These things get people excited. Doing the boring work, laying one brick at a time, excites nobody.

Doing the things which our competition will not do. Making a mistake and insisting on redoing it correctly before you turn off your computer for the day. Doing it better, no matter the short term cost so you can realize the long term benefit. These little actions, done continuously every single day keep us light years ahead of our competition.

Ads aren't enough...You need a Growth Partner

Dr. Yahdi Cotto - Aurora, CO

Dr. Yahdi Cotto

100% Chiropractic Aurora


Patient Launch Program

Working with Brand Lab means the following:

  • Differentiates your offers

  • Positions you as #1 option

  • Generates your leads

  • Calls your leads

  • Qualifies your leads

  • ​​​Schedules your leads

  • ​​​Ensures your leads show up

  • Improves staff accountability & performance

  • ​​​Helps scale your clinic to 7+ figures without headache

  • Generates your leads
  • Calls your leads
  • Qualifies your leads
  • ​​​Schedules your leads
  • ​​​Collects consultation payment
  • ​​​Ensures your leads show up
  • ​​​Helps scale your clinic to 7+ figures without headache

More Proof...

Our doctors aren't just satisfied, they have successful practices and they're making money.

Dr. Brock

100% Chiropractic Fort Collins


Mike Stella

The Movement Underground

Physical Therapy

Dr. Carolyn Griffin

Back To Health Chiropractic
Spinal Decompression

Dr. Percell & Dr. Ayla Rose

100% Chiropractic Jacksonville


Dr. Andrew

Buckner Chiropractic

Chiropractic &. Decompression

Dr. Nick Penzerella

Lifeworks Chiropractic


Dr. Xavier Ortiz Valle

100% Chiropractic Decatur


Dr. Angel Santos

100% Chiropractic Grand Rapids


Dr. Erica & Dr. Samantha

Performance Chiropractic

ADHD & Spectrum Children

Dr. Ben

Ignite Chiropractic

Dr. Nick

100% Chiropractic Woodstock


Dr. Kayleigh

Lifestyle Acupuncture

Fertility & Skin

Dr. Darrel Pierce

Elan Med Spa
Morpheus Skin Tightening and Body Sculpting

Dr. Grace Candelario

Rejuvenation Med Spa
Makeover/Beauty Transformation

Dr. James Whillans

LifeWorks Chiropractic

Dr. Suzanne

100% Chiropractic Monument

Dr. Connor Dougherty

Outbound Chiropractic

Heather Wheeler

Wheeler Functional Wellness & Acupuncture
Functional Health

Dr. Erin Hope & Dr. Ryan Hunter

Lion City Chiropractic


Dr. Brad Greenwell

Downtown Chiropractic


Dr. Seth

100% Chiropractic Colorado Springs East

Dr. Mike

100% Chiropractic Pueblo West



Brand Lab Media

407 N. Lincoln Ave #103, Loveland, CO 80537

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